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Using JumpCloud’s LDAP-as-a-Service

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Create an LDAP Binding user


Configuration Details and Supported Standards

URI/Port ldap:// (clear text or STARTTLS)
SSL Certificate JumpCloud LDAPS SSL Certificate
LDAP Distinguished Name uid=LDAP_BINDING_USER,ou=Users,o=YOUR_ORG_ID,dc=jumpcloud,dc=com
BaseDN ou=Users,o=YOUR_ORG_ID,dc=jumpcloud,dc=com
Schema Compliance RFC 2307
Samba Configuration See Enabling Samba with JumpCloud LDAP
Other Support for inetOrgPerson, groupOfNames, and posixGroup objects.  Support for memberOfoverlay and support for group member search


  • The LDAP DN value is found in the user details (See above screenshot)
  • Your application may not have a field called LDAP Distinguished Name, it may be referred to as the BindDN or may only have a 'username' field paired with a password. This is the correct value for that field
  • The BaseDN may also be referred to as SearchDN, Search Base or other similar terminology


Using JumpCloud’s LDAP-as-a-Service