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- Search Overview

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The Search view lets you search through your files much like you'd search the Internet: you type in some keywords, and Enterprise Organizer will show you all of the documents that contain those words.

How Do I Run a Search?

There are two ways to search. 

Option #1  This is the most common way to search.  If you want to run a search across an entire cabinet or even multiple cabinets, do this:

  1. Go to the Search view
  2. Enter any keywords
  3. Choose any search options
  4. Click the Search button


Option #2   If you want to search within a specific location in Enterprise Organizer, like a drawer or folder:

  1. Select the location in the Manage view
  2. Click the Search button above the list of files
  3. Enter any keywords
  4. Click the Search button

See Using Search and Using the Search Bar for more information.


When you run a search, the search engine uses an index of your files. An index is a lot like the index of a book – it's a list of keywords and where they're found. You won't be able to search a cabinet until it has been indexed.

Setting up indexes is easy. Learn more in Indexes and Indexing.

Keeping Indexes Current

If you want new files to be added to an index on an ongoing basis, you must allow Enterprise Organizer to periodically update the index. This is known as an Incremental Index or Auto-Indexing. See Activate Auto-Indexing for more information.

From time to time, it is also a good idea to refresh the entire index. When files are deleted or moved, this is not automatically reflected in the index. Periodically refreshing the index will ensure that it remains in synch with your cabinets. See Manually Update an Index for more information.

Sharing Indexes

You can also share search indexes on the network so every workstation uses the same index. See Sharing Search Indexes for more information.

- Search Overview