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Performing a File Search

Estimated Reading Time: 2 Minutes

If you navigate to FileCenter’s Search tab, the first thing that you’ll see is an option to select the Engine. Select Windows File Search. Now you can provide any of the following search parameters (all are optional):File Name. Provide any portion of the file (or folder) name you’re searching for. You can use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard: it will match zero or more characters.Retrieve. Choose whether you want to search your files, your folders, or both.File Types. You can limit your search to specific types of files. For example, you may only want to see Microsoft Word files, or maybe only PDF files. The easiest way to specify what kind of files you want to search is to select them on the Pick Type list. As you select file types on this list, they get added to the File Types list. You can also add your file types to that list manually.
Just make sure that you separate them with a comma, like this:

Note that you can use a wildcard character with file types. As with the filename, this matches zero or more characters. The wildcard makes it easy to list document types that sometimes have more than one extension. For example,

Microsoft Word documents can be .doc or .docx.

Digital photos can be .jpg or .jpeg. The wildcard takes these variants into account.

Date: You have a lot of flexibility in selecting a date range. A number of the most common options have been provided for you. You can also specify specific start and end dates for a custom range. Only files that fall within the range will show up in the results. Note that all files have two dates: a Created date when the file was first created, and a Modified date when the file was last updated. The Created date should never change. The Modified date will change every time you edit the file.

Performing a File Search