Quik Flow Components

Web Interface

The Web Interface is where most users will spend most of their time when using the Quik Flow Suite. The Web Interface is accessed by most standard Internet web browsers such as Microsoft Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator.

The Web Interface has two main components, the task list, and the task detail page. The task list shows a list of the current available tasks in progress. Tasks can be filtered and sorted in various ways to help organize a user’s workflow.

Once a task is selected, the task detail page shows the appropriate information for a task. The user can update and add new information as applicable. The task owner can then choose the disposition of the task by clicking on an action button, or reassign the task to another user or group.


The Designer application enables business process owners to graphically design a process. By dragging action icons to the process window, setting the action properties, and connecting the actions to designate workflow, a process owner can easily design a process without having to write a single line of code.

Processes can be simulated on a “staging” server prior to deploying an automated process into production. This allows the designer to test the process and see tasks assignments from the point of view of the process participants.


The Server runs behind the scenes and coordinates running processes, assigning tasks, keeping track of progress, starting automated processes, and various other activities.

The Server is responsible for tracking users and security and also interfaces with the database.


All information used by the Quik Flow Suite is stored in a relational database.The database layer is usually separate from the Quik Flow product. Most major databases are supported by the software. User and role information, process definitions, process instance data, and log data are all stored in the database.




Article ID: 186
Created: February 3, 2022
Last Updated: February 3, 2022
Author: QuikBox Admin [[email protected]]

Online URL: https://support.quikbox.com/article.php?id=186