Perform a Scan

Start a new scan with the Scan button in either the Edit view or the Manage view. Then choose what kind of scan you want to perform:

New Scan
This is the basic scanning option that you'll use most of the time. It starts a new file.
Scan to Word
This option will scan a document, recognize the document text with OCR (Optical Character Recognition), and send the OCR text to your word processor for editing. Use this option if you only care about getting usable text from the scan.
Scan to E-mail
This option will scan a document and attach it directly to a new e-mail message. It is a great way to send a paper document to another party without the hassle of sending a fax.
Append Scan
You can append pages to an existing file. To make this option available, select the file in Manage view or open it in Edit view, then click Scan > Append Scan. The scanned pages will be added to the end of the file.
Prepend Scan
This is the same as Append Scan, except that the pages are added to the beginning of the file.
Insert after Page
This is the same as Append Scan, except that you can choose where the pages will be inserted. For example, if you want to insert some pages after page three, enter "3" as the page position.

Save Options (Manage tab only)

When you scan in the Manage tab, you'll see options for saving the file.

File Name

If you're scanning in Manage view (or to e-mail), you'll need to provide a name for the file. A couple of things to note:


Use the keywords field to add searchable keywords, descriptions, etc., to the PDF when you scan. The keywords will be saved to the PDF file's Keywords metadata field. This is an easy way to make your scans searchable without running OCR.

Begin New Document Every ___ Pages

If you want to automatically break the scan up every few pages, select Begin New Document Every ___ Pages and provide a page interval. For example, suppose you're scanning a stack of three-page forms. Enter "3" as the page interval. You'll get a series of numbered files, each three pages long. If your File Name is "Scanned Form.pdf" you'll end up with files named Scanned Form [1].pdf, Scanned Form [2].pdf, etc.


Use the Scanner option to select the scanner you want to use. If your scanner is listed more than once, first try any option that does NOT have "WIA-" in the name. If your scanner isn't on the list, Windows doesn't recognize it, either because it isn't connected/turned on, or because you don't have a TWAIN driver installed for the scanner. See Scanning Problems for help getting your scanner to show up.

Mode & Transfer Type

There are a few scan Modes and Transfer types available. These are different ways of communicating with your scanner. If you're having problems getting your scanner to work, try changing these settings. See Scanning Problems for instructions.

Other Scanning Options

There are many other options available, like page size, color depth, resolution, double-sided scanning, etc. Learn about them in Scanning Options.

Article ID: 246
Created: February 8, 2022
Last Updated: February 8, 2022
Author: QuikBox Admin [[email protected]]

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