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Message Actions

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You can interact with already posted messages too. To open the message actions menu, hover your mouse over the desired message and click on the three dots that will appear on the right side of the message. From this menu you can do the following.

Editing messages

To edit a message, click on the edit option on the message actions menu. Alternatively, in the message composition box, press the Up Arrow to edit the last message sent.

The administrator of a QuikBox Web Chat team sets the permissions for who can edit messages from other users. By default, only administrators, moderators, and owners of the channels can edit messages from other users.

Switching messages to edit

While editing, if the cursor is at the beginning of a message, pressing the Up Arrow switches to editing the previous message you wrote.

Similarly, if the cursor is at the end of a message, pressing the Down Arrow switches to editing the next message you wrote.

Drafting messages

QuikBox Web Chat saves drafts of edits to your messages. That way, you can return to an edit draft after switching to another message. Pressing ESCAPE discards an edit draft.

Deleting messages

You can delete a message by clicking on Delete option on the message actions menu.

You can also delete a message by emptying the contents while editing and saving your changes. You will be asked to confirm the message deletion and warned that the message contents will be able to be recovered.

Starring messages

Starring a message makes it easy to find it later. To star a message, select the Star Message option on the message actions menu, to un-star it just select the Unstar option on the message actions menu.

You can find your starred messages on the starred messages tab.

Starred messages are per chat room and are not global, each room has its own list of messages you have starred in that channel.

Pinning messages

Pinning a message to a channel causes the message to be easily accessible via pinned messages tab. To pin a message, select the PPin Message option on the message actions menu, to unpin it just select the Unpin option on the message actions menu.

The administrator of a QuikBox Web Chat team sets the permissions for who can pin messages in a channel. By default, only administrators, moderators, and owners of the channel can pin messages .


You can quickly respond to any message with an emoji reaction. Reactions can be used for any purpose including voting, checking off to-do items, showing excitement, answering questions or just for fun.

To add reaction to a message, hover your mouse over it, and click on the smiling face icon on the right of the message and choose an emoji.

To remove an emoji reaction, click on the emoji below the message. To reiterate an existing emoji reaction that someone else posted, click on that emoji to add to that emoji’s counter.

Permalinking a message

Permalinking a message creates a link directing to that message, also if you post a permalink on another channel it creates a preview with the contents of the message.

To permalink a message simply click on the Permalink option on the message actions menu and the link will be copied to your clipboard.

Copying a message

To copy the contents of a message to your clipboard, simply click on the Copy option on the message actions menu.

Replying to a message

Replying to a message will create an attachment showing the message you wish to reply after the sent text.

Replying to a message will trigger a notification to the replied message sender by using an @username mention.

To reply to a message, click on the reply option on the message actions menu and write your message after the link that was inserted on the message input.

Replying to a already replied message will create a string of messages, showing every message quoted before the current one.

Quoting a message

Quoting is very similar to replying, the only difference being that the quoted message sender will not be notified.

Message Actions